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for children

Art therapy

Art therapy on an anthroposophical basis is successfully used in curative, special and remedial education. The child's inner strength, emotional and physical agility and ability to concentrate are spontaneously promoted. It provides health and self-confidence to such an extent that the child's individual development is promoted.


Support for learning

The foundation for the promotion of learning is the holistic vision of humanity, according to Waldorf education, and the focus of the comprehensive concept of the Extra Lesson method created by the pedagogue Audrey McAllen, according to which the learning blockades can be dissolved.


Art Workshop

In a playful and lively way, accompanied by stories and fantasy journeys, the child gets to know his own individual artistic paths and the handicraft.


Proven Indications for Art Therapy:


  • behavioral disorders

  • perception problems

  • neuromotor agitation, inhibitions

  • unknown developmental disorders

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • tonus problems  (hypertonia, hypotonia, asymmetries)

  • autism spectrum disorders

  • neurological diseases such as epilepsy and others

  • aftercare after accidents or serious illnesses

  • fears

  • post-traumatic stress disorders

  • salutogenesis, prophylaxis


Results of the learning support:


  • Attention improvement

  • Trust in one's own gifts and talents

  • Improvement in the school subjects (reading, arithmetic, handwriting)

Individual therapy and individual learning  consultancy  (45 min.)

Small group workshop 2-3 children (1 hour) 


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