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Art therapy for adults


Anthroposophical therapies touch the human soul directly and bring accumulated energies and potentials into flow. 

They promote the sensory perception in dealing with fellow human beings, as well as the perception of inner processes and elusive feelings.  


Art therapy strengthens resources, supports growth processes, activates self-healing powers, supports the development of self-esteem, autonomy, decision-making, social and action competences.

It enables clients to deal with problems in a visual and physical way and promotes creative problem-solving strategies.




  • psychological difficulties and bottlenecks

  • burnout

  • depression

  • psychosomatic complaints

  • chronic diseases

  • painful life situations

  • though decisions

  • the desire for more creativity in life 


To practice art means to personally experience the act of creation as a holistic exercise. It allows us to awaken to our inner reality and get in touch with the beauty and mystery of life. When developed and applied by qualified professionals, art has a therapeutic function.

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